Tankwa Accommodation   Tankwa Karoo

Our Story

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The Tankwa Padstal officially opened its doors for business on 1 June 2011.

A need for a general dealer to serve the local community was identified, and from here the establishment of the Tankwa Padstal, with the adjacent bar, came about.

The nearest Large town is Ceres (+/- 100km) and for members of the local community to have to travel this vast distance in order to get access to basic daily required goods, is challenging. The Tankwa Padstal Restaurant would then also offer light meals and refreshments to tourists and locals travelling to the Tankwa Karoo and surrounding areas for leisure.

The Tankwa Karoo is a natural attraction with many unique features. These include, amongst others, the third largest variety of endemic bird species in the world, the area’s unique geology and rare plant and scorpion species. The night sky in the Tankwa Karoo is free of light and pollution and attracts many visitors visiting observatories in the area or who simply want to enjoy a crisp winter evening stargazing.

It is situated between the Cederberg, the towns of Sutherland and Calvinia in the Northern Cape and Ceres in the Western Cape.

In the land of desolation, life does seem as alien as rain in a desert, but the Tankwa has life, incredible life, of unique plants, determined animals and a vibrant community able to survive extreme temperatures. So if you have a desire to experience an alternative planetary life, head to the Tankwa and stop in with the locals to hear their stories and enjoy a different beautiful world.

Photo and words by Gareth Roberts Photography

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